Thursday, November 6, 2008

What next in Ergonomic Office Furniture?

With more of us working at desks, computer desks most likely, the importance of ergonomic furniture has increased ten fold over the last decade. Having a comfortable seat may have been the only requisite a decade ago, but in today's day and age we realize that we are all built slightly differently and hence need greatly adjustable furniture. Ergonomic office furniture has taken the market by storm and we are now all to familiar with seating with adjustable seat heights, adjustable arm rests, tilt ability and lumbar support. There are many variations of these available now on the market, but what is next?

The incorporation of textile technology into seating is the next new thing. Patented materials provide that extra level of comfort and breath-ability to the user. Materials like Matrex are not only modern looking, but allow for the creation of highly ventilated seats and back to office seating which takes the meaning of ergonomic furniture to another level. Advanced seating of the likes described above is readily available at sites like Zing Furniture.